High-gradu et comfortable anulum-spun pectunt bombacio bis tincto

Short description:

Combed cotton refers to the process of adding delicate combing during the spinning process, using the comber to remove the shorter fibers (below about 1CM) in the cotton fibers, leaving longer and neat fibers, and The impurities in cotton are removed to produce smooth yarn, which makes cotton more resilient and less prone to pilling, and the quality of cotton is more stable.

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Product Description

Main (IV)

Combed cotton refers to the process of adding delicate combing during the spinning process, using the comber to remove the shorter fibers (below about 1CM) in the cotton fibers, leaving longer and neat fibers, and The impurities in cotton are removed to produce smooth yarn, which makes cotton more resilient and less prone to pilling, and the quality of cotton is more stable.

Product commodum

In bombacio yarn processionaliter per hoc processionaliter potest efficaciter removere impudicitiis, nect, brevi fibris, etc in bombicis fibra, ita ut bombacio, etc, comfortable ad gerunt, facile ad lava, etc. idonea ad germinare, etc. etc., sweods, et ad gerunt, etc. etc., pectine, bonum etc. Circularis palmarum.

Textilia produci sequenti commoda:
I. De fabricae de pectore bombacio bis in altus-gradu, clara in color, clara et mundus, et excelsum est. Hoc autem non causa problems ut pila et rugis propter longum-terminus circumdatio et lavare;
II. Fabricae habet minus LANUGO, minus inmunditia, et habet sericeus. Spectat summus finis, atmosphaericus et summus gradu cum confectus et plene reflectunt adolescens temperamentum et incredibili gustare velatae;
III. In pectore bombacio bis tincto habet meliorem vires, et fabricae produci habet fortis dimensional stabilitatem, bonum traxit, non facile ad deformare, habet bonum figura retentione et potest ostendere velatas curvam et textura. Optimum, altum qualitatem;
IV. Quod fabricae habet bonum rigorem, est honestam ad induendum, habet rugam resistentiam, non idoneam ad balloon rugis, et non causa rugum aut ballooning ex frictione resistentia.

Iusto Yarn Comites sunt 12s / 16s / 21 * / 32s / 40S.Can non plying ut 2War-8plys et disponere specialem bis torquent secundum elit.

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